Karjun grew up being naïve and skinny. He has tried everything from bro-splits and powerlifting to HIIT, fueled by youthful optimism, only to discover that being overzealous in training results in a dead end – not to mention the strain on the body. After educating himself more about training and nutrition, he has adopted a healthier and more practical approach to working out. He has successfully retained a weight of 74kg today. His records for his lifts are 100kg for the bench, 120kg for squats and 200kg for his deadlift. His perspective on fitness is it should be a lifestyle more than a routine, to enjoy the process and training. Results will eventually come.
He now devotes his energy to assisting others in reaching their goals. Additionally, he has assisted clients in developing a more sustainable approach to exercise and diet. This has resulted in a transformation in the client's perspective to train holistically. Clients may now use a consistent strategy throughout their training. As a result, training practice has improved.
Qualification Highlights:
- National Council on Strength & Fitness
- CPR & AED Certified
- Certified Personal Trainer, NASM
- Kettlebell Level 1 Certified, Strength Avenue
Final Thought:
It is not where you start that matters but where you finish.