Jonne began "as a fat person way back in college," when he struggled to participate in sports like basketball and volleyball and couldn't even fit into the outfits he desired. He realised that he needed to improve his lifestyle choices, so he began working out and went on a body re-composition with the right nutrition and specific calories required. Jonne went from 105kg to 86kg, which he maintains by working out 3-5 times a week. He now feels confident and satisfied with the physical changes through a sustainable routine. Fitness for Jonne starts within oneself because everything starts with the right mindset, determination and discipline – even if the beginning is a tiny step.
Jonne's purpose is to motivate individuals to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle and reach their physical fitness goals. He assesses individual needs to create programmes that cater to their unique goals and sets an achievable target for sustainability and continual progression.
Qualification Highlights
- Weight Loss / Muscle Gain
- SMR (Flexibility)
- ProBoxing / Boxing
- RIP: 60 (Suspension Training)
- CPR + AED Certified
- Movement assessment tool (MAT) Level 1
- TRX Certified
- Kbox Exxentric Certified
- Suples Training System, Dynamic Movement with Bulgarian Bag & H.I.R.T.S
- GMB (Gold Medal Bodies)
- Ganbaru Hypertrophy
- Pre/ Post pregnancy course
Final Thought
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.