Luqman started working out to manage his weight, boost his self-esteem, and enhance his physical appearance. He is a medical school graduate who has had a passion for health and fitness since he first steps foot into a gym and has long known that this is the life he wants to lead. He participated in the Under Armour Test of Will because of his substantial interest, placing top 20 in the men's division.
He began his profession as a Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and Weight Management Coach to close the gap between inactive people and fitness fanatics. He adopts a science-based approach to fitness and advocates a sustainable lifestyle since he perceives physical health as just one component of health – others include social, emotional, and spiritual health, all considered while constructing a workout and nutrition plan.
Luqman's educational background and understanding of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Body Mechanics, and medical conditions are critical components that he employs effectively in developing a coherent training plan for his clients. Luqman's favourite aspect of his job is motivating and inspiring people to stay on track and get closer to their ultimate objectives.
Tell us about one client on whom you had the biggest influence?
A client with a compromised shoulder function came to see me. The glenohumeral joint's structure and the coordinated motion of all shoulder girdle segments account for its high degree of mobility. It takes precise muscle coordination to do this. He also intended to put on muscle when we started. First, we began with shoulder rehabilitation training to establish a reasonable function. Following that, we move on to strength training. We have been training together for a year. He can now perform routine shoulder exercises with good form and range of motion. Additionally, he can lessen the compensation of other muscles formerly used to move his arm.
Qualification Highlights:
- Agatsu Speed & Strength
- PTA Global - Certified Personal Trainer
- CPR/AED Certified
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), International Medical School MSU
- Basic Life Support
- Certified Personal Trainer, NASM
- Instructor Development Workshop, NASM
Final Thought:
Your body achieves what the mind believes.
The moment you go through hell or pain, keep going – heaven is waiting on the other side.
You never know what your limit is until you push beyond what you think your limit is.
Be comfortable being uncomfortable, that’s how you can be the best version of yourself.